2. Shoppability   Chevron   3. Actionable Insights   Chevron   4. Pixels & Performance Marketing


Actionable insights

In the last section you learned about the tools of retail ecommerce, the importance of making everything shoppable, and shoppable strategies broken down by marketing channel. If you missed it, revisit here

In this section, we’ll dive into the insights and understanding of shopper behavior that a retail ecommerce platform, like Pear, can unlock. Plus, learn how these insights can improve your brand’s return on ad spend (ROAS) in real time. 

Actionable Insights Tip



Historically, understanding shopper behavior and what drives purchases was exclusive to DTC brands. These brands benefitted from closed digital marketing feedback loops and purchase data - insights that were largely unattainable to CPG brands selling at retail. Until now.  

Pear’s insights dashboard gives brands a deeper understanding of how shoppers interact with onsite and offsite shoppable experiences. By tapping into a wealth of data, we empower CPGs with comprehensive knowledge on how shoppers are engaging and, ultimately, purchasing at retail, enabling strategic decision-making that leads to tailored marketing approaches (more on that in the next section).

With Pear, brands can analyze shopper behavior by: 

  • Product
  • Channel
  • Geo
  • UTM
    • Audience
    • Copy
    • Creative
    • Campaign (e.g. track your influencer by campaign on each channel)

Tracking these levers in real time - without batch processing - creates a dynamic understanding of what’s working (and what’s not). 



What makes the insights captured by Pear’s shoppable tools truly powerful is their actionability. Pear’s unique approach to gathering full-funnel, purchase-level data allows for quick feedback loops mid-campaign. This empowers brands to make data-driven decisions that enhance campaign efficacy and improve ROAS in real time. 

Because Pear is able to capture sales-level insights into marketing performance, brands are able to measure the effectiveness of their retail marketing. CPGs can now understand: 


  1. What’s driving sales down to the UTM level
    • For example, dive deep into the performance of shoppable campaigns by comparing how they are performing:
      • at Walmart vs. Target vs. regional retailers.
      • at Walmart in Florida
      • at Walmart on Meta vs. Tiktok
      • at Walmart by audience
      • at Walmart by influencer
      • and more…

  2. How any campaign is performing against company benchmarks

  3. How the company’s marketing performance improves over time

The following use cases are particularly impactful for CPGs aiming to capture digital share of wallet at retail:

  1. Affirmation - confirm hypotheses - e.g. TikTok performs better as a channel than Meta

  2. Testing - run tests - e.g. will TikTok perform better than Meta?

  3. In-campaign - analyze performance and make decision mid-campaign using real-time data

Check out this case study on how one brand leveraged Pear’s insights to optimize their retail marketing strategy.  

With Pear, you gain the upper hand in understanding your shoppers' behaviors across multiple levels, allowing you to refine your retail strategies, enhance customer engagement, improve ROAS, and increase sales.


Keep reading to explore the next step in strategically capturing share of wallet with retail ecommerce: Performance marketing. Chevron



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