Repeat purchases

In the last section, we covered how to convert a consumer from general awareness of your products to initial trial, leveraging retail ecommerce tools and strategies. If you missed the Trial section, revisit here


In this section, we’ll dive into another important step in the digital share of wallet funnel: repeat purchases.





The repeat purchases step within the share of wallet funnel focuses on encouraging customers who have made an initial, “trial” purchase to become recurring buyers. You’ve already captured their attention (and dollars) once, now the focus shifts to keeping them coming back. The goal is to create brand loyalty, increase retention, and maximize the long-term value of each customer by fostering a positive and ongoing relationship with your brand. 


Capturing repeat purchases requires satisfaction with your products and brand experience, and implementing marketing strategies to prompt subsequent purchases. Marketing efforts at this stage should be focused on:

  • Effectively tracking customer preferences, behaviors, and purchase history from your retail ecommerce tools so your brand can leverage this data to personalize future communication and offers.
  • Using remarketing campaigns to maintain brand visibility, showcase new products, and highlight retailer launches to engaged customers.
  • Offering exclusive discounts or rebates to entice repeat purchases.
  • Recommending complementary products or upsells across marketing channels based on customers’ initial buying behavior. 

Repeat purchases contribute significantly to your overall share of wallet when customers continue to choose your brand for their recurring needs. These brand loyalists become especially valuable when it comes time to drive sales velocity at particular retail partners. More on that in the next section.




By this point, you’ve already built custom audiences of retail ecommerce shoppers at each step in the funnel from your shoppable tools (revisit the pixels section for a refresher, if helpful).

Now, the goal is to leverage these audiences and insights to inform marketing efforts and build a bigger pool of brand loyalists and evangelists.

By focusing on the following channels and strategies, your brand can effectively create seamless and consistent opportunities for capturing repeat purchases:


  • Social platforms
    Social platforms provide ample opportunities to create engaging and personalized campaigns that encourage additional purchases. Implementing remarketing tactics to get your products back in front of customers that have already made their first purchase - particularly those who previously purchased from a social ad, like Pear Connect - helps keep your brand top of mind. It also gives you a chance to introduce new products, highlight retailer launches, and keep engaged customers informed on special offers. 

  • Programmatic channels
    Like social channels, programmatic advertising offers precise targeting options using customer data, behavior, and audience lists. By utilizing audiences generated from initial purchases via your shoppable tools, your brand can deliver personalized ads showcasing products previously bought by customers. Tailoring ads to specific segments ensures more personalized and relevant content. This customized approach enhances the likelihood of enticing customers for future purchases. Leverage programmatic advertising to recommend complementary products or upsells via Pear Connect based on past purchases, or highlight related items that could enhance their overall experience and encourage further engagement with your brand.

  • Email marketing
    Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing customer relationships, staying top-of-mind, and driving repeat retail ecommerce purchases. Craft tailored and personalized email campaigns using insights and custom audiences captured from your shoppable tools. Share relevant product recommendations, exclusive offers, and personalized content that adds value to their experience and makes it easy for customers to make future purchases. Leverage Pear’s direct-to-cart links to make purchasing from your email content as simple as possible, or drive email subscribers to your shoppable store locator or PDPs where they can select their preferred retailer. 

  • Lookalike audiences
    Most major ad platforms, such as Meta, TikTok, Snap and The Trade Desk, provide tools for creating lookalike audiences. Once an initial audience set is established - e.g. your audience of repeat purchasers - the ad platform's algorithm can analyze the audience to identify patterns and similarities. The platform will then create a lookalike audience consisting of individuals who share these characteristics. This lookalike audience can be leveraged in future marketing campaigns across programmatic or social for optimized performance, creating a recurring cycle of repeat purchaser audience pools.

  • Cross-channel consistency
    Encouraging repeat purchases extends beyond performance marketing tactics. To foster customer loyalty, it's essential to maintain a consistent brand presence across all media channels. Coordinated messaging and visuals enhance brand recognition, reinforcing the notion of repeat purchases with a trusted and familiar brand.

  • Community building
    Brands that successfully transform trial customers into evangelists understand the importance of fostering a sense of community around their brand. Encourage repeat customers to share reviews, recommendations, and tips across organic channels. Building a community not only strengthens brand loyalty but also boosts the likelihood of repeat purchases.

  • Exceptional Customer Service
    Positive interactions with your customer service team is one of the easiest ways to capture customer satisfaction and, in turn, loyalty. Make it easy for a customer to find your products online or in-store by responding to every “where can I find xyz?” question with a link to your store locator or shoppable PDPs. Pro tip: add UTMs to the link in your response to start building an audience of shoppers seeking out your products. Now, you’ve not only answered your customers’ questions with an easy and direct path to purchase, you also know more about those shoppers and can retarget that audience with future personalized marketing campaigns.

Keep reading to discover how to convert each stage of the share of wallet funnel into sales velocity at retail. Chevron



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