7. Repeat Purchases   Chevron   8. Sales Velocity   Chevron  Case Studies


Driving sales velocity at retail

In the last section, we covered how to convert an initial trial customer into a repeat purchaser leveraging retail ecommerce strategies. If you missed the Repeat Purchases section, revisit here


In this section, we'll cover how the retail ecommerce channel can assist CPG brands in achieving a key objective when it comes to retail: sales velocity.





For CPG brands, sales velocity involves maximizing the speed and volume of product sales within retail channels. At this stage, the goal is to drive significant consumer demand and quickly convert it into actual purchases. It requires strategic efforts to increase the frequency and volume of transactions, ultimately leading to higher revenue generation and market share expansion. 


Key activities when aiming to drive sales velocity include: 

  • Announcing new retail partner launches to generate initial awareness and excitement.
  • Creating minimal-click retail ecommerce journeys for a seamless path to purchase.
  • Implementing targeted marketing campaigns, particularly for audiences of previous purchasers.
  • Monitoring and analyzing data and insights in real-time to quickly identify trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement.

The primary focus for sales velocity should be leveraging your shoppable tools to drive rapid and sustained volume that validates your retail partnerships. This, in turn, can lead to expanded distribution opportunities, better shelf placement, and increased marketing support from retailers.




Driving sales velocity at retail can be expensive, difficult to manage, and challenging to scale. Within a brick-and-mortar retailer, your product is one of 10,000+ for customers to choose from. So, the biggest advantage for brands lies in the retail ecommerce channel.


Pixeling your shoppable tools (e.g. store locators, shoppable PDPs, shoppable landing pages, direct-to-cart links, and Pear Connect campaigns) enables you to create valuable custom audiences of retail shoppers. These audiences should be your primary target when promoting sales velocity at specific retail partners. They’ve already shown a high intent to discover or purchase products at retail. Leveraging custom audiences based on specific products and/or retailers positions you for success when launching new campaigns with the goal of achieving sales velocity.


Focusing on the following (non-exhaustive) list of marketing strategies can help your brand successfully drive sales velocity at retail:

  • Paid social campaigns
    Pear’s data shows that paid social drives the highest purchase rate across marketing channels, and optimized campaigns can 10x brands’ results. Investing in targeted social campaigns is one of the most effective ways to reach a specific audience and drive traffic that will convert into sales. Take advantage of the ad platforms’ machine learning optimizations, your custom built audiences, and Pear’s shoppable media to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns across Meta, Snap, and Tiktok:  
    • Use a single-retailer landing page to drive sales velocity from your ads for a specific product or products at a particular retail partner (Example: Starbucks at Target)
    • Drive traffic from your ads directly to a specific retailer’s cart to eliminate shopper dropoff with direct-to-cart links (Example: Del Monte at Walmart)
    • Launch a Pear Connect campaign for a single retailer to capture 100% click-through-rates on ads with a purchase-oriented call to action. 
  • Organic social campaigns
    Organic social campaigns can be an easy - and budget-friendly - way to reach your audience of brand loyalists and followers. Include a single-retailer landing page or direct-to-cart link in any of your organic posts highlighting new retailer or product launches to generate more awareness around a retail partner and encourage sales. 
  • Email and SMS campaigns
    Your email and/or SMS subscribers are a highly qualified audience, given that they had to opt in to be added to your contact list. Include a link to a single-retailer landing page or direct-to-cart links in any of your campaigns promoting new retail partners or launches at a specific retailer.

  • User-Generated Content (UGC) and Customer-Generated Content (CGC)
    Encourage creators and/or customers to share their experiences with your products through UGC or CGC. Social proof from satisfied customers can build trust and credibility, influencing others to make purchases. Pear Connect gives your brand the tools to integrate shoppability at retail directly onto video content on channels like Meta, Snap, and TikTok. Highlight a specific retail partner with a single-retailer campaign to drive sales velocity with video ads.

🎧 Looking to learn more? Listen to this podcast from Foodbevy on how retail ecommerce can help achieve your retail goals:


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