Making everything shoppable

Implementing a retail ecommerce platform like Pear means that anything clickable - including blog content, organic social posts, product detail pages, emails, SMS, paid ads, and more - can now become shoppable


By driving shoppers from and brand media to retail ecommerce experiences, brands are able to meet their customers wherever they prefer to purchase. 


Pear’s proprietary tech scans inventory daily (in the slowest instance) at 3,000+ retailers, creating paths to purchase across 165,000 locations in the US and Canada. This gives CPG brands the ability to confidently connect any UPC to every available retailer's digital shelf, without worrying about sending customers to out-of-stock locations or links. 


Once everything is made shoppable, everything becomes actionable. (More on that in the next section.)  


With Pear, brands can add their marketing pixels to all shoppable tools, unlocking the ability to build custom and lookalike audiences of retail ecommerce shoppers across the entire funnel - from Page Loads to Retailer Visits to Add-to-Carts to Purchases. Integrating retail ecommerce experiences with existing ad platforms opens the door to automatic marketing optimizations and improvements (for free).


Keep reading for a brief overview on Pear’s shoppable tools, plus, shoppable strategies and tactics for your brand broken down by marketing channel.

Shoppability tip


Store locator headline

Create a fully shoppable and commerce enabled where-to-buy experience. Add to cart buttons for all retail partners encourages incremental sales directly from your store locator. 

Liquid Death and Belgian Boys store locators
Siete and Sparkling Ice PDPs
Shoppable PDPs headline

Embed your retailer list directly onto PDPs or other owned pages. Pear’s shoppable PDPs are the only solution to bridge shoppers from to in a single click.


Landing pages headline

Make your ads shoppable by driving to interstitial URLs, allowing shoppers to choose product(s) at their preferred retailer, based on available inventory near their zip code.


Pear’s shoppable landing page experiences include: 

  • Traditional - list multiple items with a single-select option at all in-stock retailers
  • Product Highlights - list a single-item at all in-stock retailers 
  • Recipes - list multiple items with a multi-select option at all in-stock retailers for single add-to-cart experience
  • Sales Velocity - list multiple item with a multi-select option at a single partner retailer 
Sparkling Ice and 818 Tequila Landing Pages
Liquid Death direct-to-cart link to Target
Direct-to-Cart Link headline

Enable a one-click add-to-cart action for single or multiple products at a specific retailer. Pear’s direct-to-cart links are often aligned with new product launches or retailer-specific initiatives, driving sales velocity for a particular product(s) at a single partnered retailer.

Pear Connect headline

Make any social or display ad unit shoppable by bringing where-to-buy technology directly into the ad itself. Pear Connect is a new ad unit for Meta, TikTok, Snap and any HTML5 display ad, that bypasses the landing page and drives shoppers from ads to in a single click. 

With Pear Connect, not only do brands eliminate dropoff by skipping the landing page, they also unlock automatic marketing optimizations through their ad platforms. The ad platform will dynamically serve the Pear Connect ad (product-retailer combo) with the highest likelihood of getting selected. For example: families will be shown the larger sized products, budget shoppers may be shown Walmart as a retailer option, etc.


Ark Naturals Pear Connect Facebook Carousel Ads



*Note - this is a list of strategies Pear brands have successfully implemented for capturing share of wallet, and is not meant to be comprehensive. The Pear team is here to work with your CPG to create a custom retail ecommerce strategy tailored to your channels and goals. Get started  Chevron





  • Ensure your customers can always find and easily purchase your products online or in-store by installing a shoppable store locator on your site. Pear’s store locator goes beyond pins on a map by scanning inventory daily to prevent shopper frustration, and displaying paths to purchase at directly from the tool. (See example)
    Shoppers who engage with your store locator are high intent and can then be used to create a custom audience for retargeting or building lookalikes across other channels

  • Embed retail ecommerce paths to purchase directly onto your product detail pages with Pear’s shoppable PDPs. Shoppable PDPs can be used in addition to or in place of a DTC option, providing multiple ways to purchase your products online (or in-store).  (See example)
  • Include links to shoppable landing pages or direct-to-cart links in all blog posts and long form copywriting to encourage seamless retail ecomm from any of your owned content.

  • Upgrade your recipe pages to retail ecommerce-enabled content. Hyperlink your ingredients list to a recipe landing page or direct-to-cart link with a single add-to-cart action, or, embed a store locator for the specific products featured in the recipe directly onto the recipe page.



  • Send a dedicated email or SMS campaign to your customers announcing a new product launch at retail. Use direct to cart links to drive engagers to a single retailer to increase sales velocity for the product upon launch.

  • Send a dedicated email or SMS to your customers announcing the launch of your products at a new retailer. Link to a sales velocity landing page highlighting all of your available UPCs at your new retail partner.

  • Include a link to your store locator and/or shoppable PDPs in the content or footer of all SMS/email sends to organically create greater retailer awareness.

  • Integrate your Pear tools with Klaviyo for custom retail ecommerce audience building and list segmentation.

  • Remarket to email/SMS subscribers who engage with the retail ecommerce links in your campaigns to encourage repeat purchases and/or product upsells.



  • Include your store locator or a direct-to-cart link featuring a new product/retailer launch in your social bios or linktree to drive awareness and incremental sales. (See example)

  • Share organic posts on social hyping up new or limited edition products, new retailer launches, and where to find your products online and in-store. Link out to your store locator, shoppable PDPs, landing pages, and/or direct-to-cart links to create a seamless omnichannel shopping experience.  

  • Respond to customer comments on social posts regarding where to find your products with a store locator or shoppable PDP link dynamically displaying in-stock retailers near their zip.



  • Encourage partner creators to include a link to your store locator, shoppable PDP, landing page, or direct-to-cart link in their posts or stories to drive where-to-buy awareness for their followers.

  • Whitelist creator content and launch Pear Connect campaigns to bring retail ecommerce directly into the social ad.

  • Work with food bloggers to create shoppable recipe pages featuring your products.



  • Drive your display ads to shoppable landing pages (in place of your DTC option or non-shoppable experiences) to meet your customers wherever and however they prefer to purchase.

  • Launch Pear Connect HTML5 display ads to bring the where-to-buy tech directly into your ad units. Pear Connect bypasses landing pages, where nine out of 10 shoppers bounce before even making it to a retailer. Driving shoppers directly from the ad unit to eliminates dropoff, taking a 5% CTR to 100% and allowing for 20x the amount of traffic.

  • Use the programmatic channel to quickly build top-, mid- and bottom-of-funnel audiences via a shoppable landing page or Pear Connect campaign. Then, retarget that audience across your other channels, optimizing for purchase.

  • Drive Meta, TikTok, Snap, or Pinterest ads to shoppable landing pages (in place of your DTC option or un-shoppable experiences) to meet your customers wherever and however they prefer to purchase.
  • Launch Pear Connect ads on your social channels (Meta, Tiktok, Snap) to bring the where-to-buy tech directly into your ad units. With Pear Connect, you’re able to choose which retailers or products to include in your shoppable campaigns. For example, include all products across one retailer to drive sales at a specific retail partner, include one product across all retailers (useful for a new product launch), or highlight all products across all retailers to provide the most comprehensive retail ecomm experience. Driving shoppers directly from the ad unit to eliminates dropoff, taking an average 5% CTR seen on landing pages to 100%.

  • If you previously ran programmatic ads driving to a Pear experience, retarget the audiences built from those campaigns on social with shoppable landing pages or Pear Connect ads, where conversion tends to be higher.

  • Build a custom audience of purchasers and retarget them with ads driving to direct-to-cart links to encourage seamless repeat purchases.


anything you can click or scan


  • Direct mail - include a simple URL or QR code on direct mail pieces driving to your shoppable experiences. Announce the launch of a new local retailer with a sales velocity landing page, promote a new or seasonal product with a direct-to-cart link, or market to high-volume zip codes by including a link to your store locator.

  • CTV / streaming -  include a QR code on your Connected TV ads driving to a direct-to-cart link to make them seamlessly shoppable.

  • OOH billboards - go big! Include a QR code on your billboards pointing to your store locator or a shoppable landing page. Make it easy for shoppers to find your products online or in-store near them while they’re already on-the-go.  

Pear’s full-funnel insights will allow you to track the effectiveness and performance of each channel, retailer, campaign, ad, influencer, and audience you target, setting your marketing efforts up for success beyond what you could accomplish with DTC, pure play, or retail alone. 

Keep reading to learn how implementing these shoppable tools unlocks the next step in strategically capturing share of wallet: Actionable insights.


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